CAST’s Training and Technical Assistance Team has transferred our training, Anti-Trafficking Lawyering Module 1 (“Module 1”), into a self-paced, on-demand course. Module 1 is an online introductory course focused on how to represent survivors of human trafficking with a trauma-informed and victim-centered lens. With the growing need to provide legal representation to survivors of human trafficking, CAST’s Training and Technical Assistance Team seeks to support legal practitioners by offering trainings on fundamental skills in working with survivors.
About this course
This FREE training is designed to provide legal practitioners with basic and practical skills ensuring they are prepared to represent survivors of human trafficking and identify and address their intersecting needs. Legal practitioners will gain the tools necessary to provide trauma-informed representation to survivors regardless of their area of practice.
There are 7 units for this course:
- Overview of the Human Trafficking Survivor Population
- Victim-Centered Representation
- Working in Multi-Disciplinary Teams
- Legal Analysis of Severe Form of Trafficking and Legal Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking
- Intake Promising Practices
- Introduction to Victims’ Rights
- Ethics in Representing Human Trafficking Survivors
In upcoming modules, attorneys will use these trauma-informed and victim-centered skills to focus on specific areas of representation such as immigration law and victims’ rights. This module will be a pre-requisite to attending future substantive modules.
Up to 9.75 of California MCLE hours (1.5 Elimination of Bias and .5 Legal Ethics) are available for this course at no cost.
Registering/Enrolling in the Class
Register for the training on through our Quickbase database.
You will receive an email from [email protected] which will provide you instructions for how to get access to the Canvas course page which contains all the videos and resources for the course.
If you have not received your email invitation from Quickbase to enroll in the course after 3 business days, please contact [email protected] with proof of your registration in Quickbase.
Course Structure
This is a 7-unit course that is estimated to be over 9 hours in length. This self-paced course has a mix of readings, video lectures, prompts for written response, and quizzes. Each unit is laid out sequentially and does not allow for popping into different units. (In other words, you cannot jump from Unit 1 to Unit 7.) To move to the next unit, you will need to complete all the required tasks in the previous unit.
You are welcome to take this course partially or in its entirety. However, this course is a prerequisite to Anti-Trafficking Lawyering Module 2: T Visas (“Module 2”). If you have not completed all 7 units of this course, you will not be eligible to enroll in Module 2. We will be verifying completion of this course before authorizing enrollment into Module 2.
MCLEs and Certificates of Completion
Up to 9.75 of California MCLE hours (1.5 Elimination of Bias and .5 Legal Ethics)are available for this course at no cost. Only CA MCLE units are offered for this course. You may check your state for reciprocity of the MCLE unit hours.
Partial MCLE credits are available for each unit completed. In order to get the MCLE certificate for each unit, you will need to complete a short Q&A as well as an acknowledgement that you have completed all the required activities for the unit.
For those who do not need MCLE units and would like a Certificate of Completion, you will need to complete the same process as those who are requesting MCLE units (i.e., short Q&A and acknowledgement).
Once you have passed the Q&A, you will be able to download the MCLE or Certificate of Completion for your records.
Using this Course for Internal Trainings
Supervisors from firms or organizations are more than welcome to have their staff take this course as part of their internal trainings. Staff and pro bono attorneys will need to use the same enrollment process as stated above.
If you need to confirm your staff’s participation/completion of the course, you can email [email protected].
Prerequisite to Future Modules
This course is a prerequisite to Anti-Trafficking Lawyering Module 2: T Visas. If you have not completed all 7 units of this course, you will not be eligible to enroll in Module 2. CAST will be verifying completion of this course before authorizing enrollment into Module 2. This is a requirement even if you have enrolled in other CAST trainings in the past. (Exception is for participants who participated in a live version of Module 1.)