NTA Being Issued to Denied T Visas

Notice to Appear (NTAs) have been issued as a result of a T visa denial.  We have only heard of 3 or 4 cases, but we are trying to collect more information to be able to determine whether the NTAs were issued as a result of the recent NTA memo or for other causes. If you have received an NTA or have heard of colleagues, contact CAST through our online TA request form to report the NTA and receive additional technical assistance on next steps. 

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Human Trafficking Specific Social Service Provider Referrals


Story Collection for Trafficking Survivor Cases

AILA, ASISTA, CAST, and Freedom Network are currently working on collecting cases where trafficking survivors and other victims of crime have been negatively impacted on policy issues. We are looking for case examples that we may be able to share with DHS, USCIS, ICE, and/or other related government agencies. There are currently 2 types of cases we are collecting case examples on:

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