How to Check for Completion of Anti-Trafficking Lawyering Module 1 - Self Paced Course

We have received several questions regarding how to determine if you have completed the Module 1 course and are eligible for Module 2. To be considered "completed" for the course, you must complete each required assignment AND have received a passing score for the assignments in each of the 7 units. You can check your completion percentage by accessing the "Grades" tab on the left-hand side and scrolling to the bottom, where you will find the percentage of completion for each unit. 

If you have obtained the minimum passing score for each assignment, the lowest possible percentage you could attain in each unit is as follows (assuming you have finished all activities within the unit):

Assignment Passing Percentage
Unit 1 100%
Unit 2 94%
Unit 3 83%
Unit 4 80%
Unit 5 82%
Unit 6 88%
Unit 7 90%

A video walkthrough is available here to check your grades for each section.