What is Extreme Hardship?

What is extreme hardship for T visa cases? How does it differ from other the hardship standard in other immigration remedies?

Extreme hardship for T visas is a higher standard than most other forms of hardship in immigration law and has its own specific factors delineated in 8 CFR § 214.11(i)(2). USCIS's Policy Manual expands upon these factors and clarifies that hardship to a family member may be considered to the extent that it constitutes hardship to the applicant. USCIS Policy Manual Vol. 3, Part B, Ch. 2.E.2. A finding of extreme hardship cannot be based solely on loss of financial or economic opportunities. 8 CFR § 214.11(i)(1)

For a strong extreme hardship argument, consider arguing at least three factors listed in the regulations. The strongest factors are those that are directly related to the trafficking victimization, while factors relying on country conditions, customs, or beliefs may be less strong. 

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